
Google AdWords tab now available in analytics reports

Analytics recently added a Google AdWords tab to their Traffic Sources section. This tremendously decreases the navigation and time required to analyze Google AdWords performance, which you’d do in analytics by creating and managing custom reports, prior to this new tab.

One of my favorite new features of the AdWords tab is being able to see goals completed directly through Google AdWords and tie it back to individual keywords. Goals in analytics are specific actions you’d like to track. For example, a goal could be a contact form submission. Prior to the Google AdWords beta tab in analytics you’d need to run custom reports to find out how individual keyword relate to your goals. Now, all I need to do is navigate to the Google AdWords beta tab, click Keywords, and voila! I can see each keyword’s statistics, such as time on site, page/visit, bounce rates, AND goal completions, all within a few clicks.

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